Wyatt Woodsmall is the founder and President of Advanced Behavioral Modeling,. Inc,. a training and consulting firm committed to dramatically increasing the performance of organizations and individuals through the use of advanced behavioral and learning technologies. Wyatt is an expert modeler, business consultant and trainer.
He is known for his vast range of interests and for his ability to synthesize complex ideas into new and more powerful models. Wyatt has been instrumental in pioneering the concepts and applications of behavioral modeling technology in the public, business and athletic sectors. He is the co-creator of Advanced Behavioral Modeling (ABM) ™ which is a technology for capturing and transferring excellence. ABM™ is a synthesis of the NLP approach to modeling with ideas from artificial intelligence, cybernetic epistemology, systems science, values research, human typological analysis, accelerated learning and cognitive psychology.
Wyatt did modeling projects with the US Government in areas includingMorse Code reception, recruiting techniques, Hovercraft operations,pistol and rifle marksmanship, computer systems administration,knowledge engineers, and synthesis and creativity. In the privatesector he has worked with Polaroid, General Motors, MCI, and AveryDennison. He has been working for twelve years with the US OlympicDiving Team and coaches. ABM’s work contributed to the 6 U.S. medalswon at the 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006 Olympics in diving. Other notablemodeling projects include modeling 50 successful entrepreneurs inYorkshire, United Kingdom and modeling the most successful salesmen inthe history of his industry in the world with 165 million in sales inone year. With his wife Marilyne Wyatt modeling Michel Thomas whocould teach people to speak a language proficiently in five days.
In addition to modeling and consulting on performance enhancement,Wyatt conducts in-house management, leadership, supervision, values,creativity, sales, negotiations and entrepreneurial trainings. He alsodoes public trainings in NLP and Advanced Behavioral Modeling. He hasconducted over 36 NLP Trainer’s Trainings in 12 countries on threecontinents. Wyatt has conducted basic and advanced NLP Trainings inover 25 countries on all five continents. He is the first person evercertified as a Master Trainer and as a Master Modeler. He is the pastPresident of IANLP (International Association for NLP) and an honorarymember of GANLP. He has a Ph. D. from Columbia University, and M.Div.From Union Theological Seminary and a B.S. in Physics from theUniversity of Virginia. Wyatt is generally recognized as the "TrainersTrainer" and as one of the most creative minds in NLP. He is theforemost modeler in the NLP community. He is the co-author of PeoplePattern Power: The Nine Keys to Business Success and of Time LineTherapy and the Basis of Personality and of over 50 published articleson NLP. He is the co-author with his wife Marilyne of "Michel Thomas:The Master Teacher.
Visit his website at www.wyattwoodsmall.com or at www.peoplepatterns.com with People Pattern Power and e-mail him at wyatt.woodsmall(at)inlpta.org