Requirements for certification as an INLPTA Trainer are:
- The Trainer's Training is/was conducted by an INLPTA Master Trainer authorized to do so by the INLPTA Board of Directors
- The certification training meets INLPTA training structure requirements
- minimum of 150 hours of formal course room training. (excluding breaks longer than 30 minutes)
- minimum of 19 days of formal course room training
- The attended training meets the INLPTA accreditation competency standards and guidelines
- The certificate needs to be signed by at least two INLPTA NLP Master Trainers
- The certificates need to have the the starting and ending dates, aswell as the numbers of hous and dates written on them. And all certificated need to ordered by the international or national
INLPTA coordinater and be numbered and sealed with the official INLPTA seal
An INLPTA NLP Trainer is expected to demonstrate intellectual and behavioral competence in the following areas at appropriate levels of frames, principles,
techniques and distinctions:
- Excellence in attitudinal, behavioral, and intellectual competency in all Practitioner and Master Practitioner level skills and the demonstrated ability to do several patterns simultaneously
at multiple levels
- Demonstrated ability to design a complete INLPTA Practitioner and Master Practitioner accreditation training
- Demonstrated ability to design and conduct the delivery of NLP content chunks
- Demonstrated ability to facilitate within students the learning of NLP content and the development of NLP skills and attitudes
- Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain excellent levels of rapport with all participants, colleagues and trainers
- Demonstrated ability to design and facilitate group inductions overtly and covertly
- Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain rapport with groups
- Demonstrated ability to work ecologically with groups
- Demonstrated ability to pace and lead a group in ecological directions
- Demonstrated ability to model the learner
- Demonstrated ability to pace, lead, incorporate and utilize the differences in world views between students-students and trainer-student(s)
- Demonstrated ability to utilize Satir Categories as applied to group communication
- Demonstrated ability to design, facilitate and debrief exercises
- Demonstrated ability to deliver instructions for exercises
- Demonstrated ability to demonstrate all Practitioner and Master Practitioner patterns overtly and covertly
- Demonstrated ability to establish and utilize stage anchors
- Demonstrated ability to design and deliver nested loops
- Demonstrated ability to answer questions and facilitate unconscious processes in an open frame
- Demonstrated ability to coach by facilitating unconscious learning processes
- Demonstrated ability to utilize environmental influences to facilitate optimum learning at conscious and unconscious levels
- Demonstrated ability to facilitate learning at different logical levels and of different logical types
- Demonstrated ability to design and conduct trainings that facilitate different adult learning styles
- Demonstrated ability to appropriately assess and evaluate students at Practitioner and Master Practitioner levels
- Behavioral demonstration of being able to "walk what you talk and talk what you walk"
- Excellent state control, emotional stability, stress resistance and self management
- Demonstrated ability to know and process your own model of the world and to adjust yourself congruently, ecologically, and respectfully to another person's model of the world
- Demonstrated ability to handle and resolve conflict, and to make effective and ecological decisions as appropriate to context
- Basic understanding of common knowledge models from psychology, physiology, brain research, therapy and other related areas to NLP
- Demonstrated ability to design, deliver and utilize metaphors in training
- Demonstrated ability to give and receive feedback in educative and self evolutionary ways
- Demonstrated ability to design, deliver and facilitate educative tasking
- Demonstrated ability to handle hecklers, under achievers, "problem" cases, ecological and/or ethical issues
- Demonstrated ability to calibrate groups and to respond accordingly
- Demonstrated ability to alter one's own training style as appropriate to context, audience and outcome