Wyatt Woodsmall has said that Marvin Oka is currently the best NLP Trainer in the world…"He combines the stage skills of a professional magician with a mastery of both NLP and andragogy. When Marvin trains, he awakens your heart and mind, draws you with anticipation to the edge of your seat, and delivers the skills to help you shape your very being with a clarity, enthusiasm and precision that is unequaled by anyone else in NLP today."
Marvin is the Founder and Executive Director of Masterlogics, and Australian company that specializes in applied behavioral technologies. He also has run what is undoubtedly the largest and most successful NLP Training Institute in Australia. Apart from running a large number of Practitioner and Master Practitioner Programs in recent years, Marvin has developed and conducted an intensive 24 date Trainers Training for he last 5 years. This Training is, without a doubt, the most thorough, comprehensive and impactful trainer training to be found anywhere. The best parts of it have been incorporated into all his upcoming NLP Trainings. In addition to being a powerful trainer, Marvin is also a brilliant consultant and educator. He does consulting and in-house trainings for the Australian Government and for major corporations. He has studied suggestology and accelerated learning for years and has developed a state of the art learning methodology called Generative Learning™ which goes beyond any other accelerated learning methodology available. He is in the process of completing a book on Organizational Culture Change Management known as Futuring™.
Marvin currently lives in Australia and can be reached at oka@labyrinth.net.au